Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Recognize Gout Arthritis

Uric acid is often blamed if a person is experiencing joint pain. In fact, illness joint pain due to uric acid is only a fraction of the complaints of joint pain. In addition, the notion of the public not to eat green vegetables and beans if you have joint pain, are not scientifically proven. Similarly, uric acid-lowering medication (allopurinol), which is often incorrectly used for joint pain. In fact, the drug can not eliminate the pain. Even the side effects can cause allergic reactions, increasing pain, kidney damage, even death.Rheumatism is a collection of diseases with abnormalities in the bone-muscular system, joints, and connective tissue. There are over one hundred kinds of diseases causing muscle and joint pain, and arthritis is just one of them. Data of Poly Rheumatology Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung during January to December 2010 showed that approximately 73% of patients experienced joint pain calcification and not uric acid.Only about 3.3% who experienced joint pain due to elevated levels of uric acid (gout arthritis).

So, what is gout arthritis?
Arthritis gout arthritis is a disease that can cause very severe pain, accompanied by swollen, warm, sometimes redness on the affected joint and difficult to move. The disease is caused by deposition of monosodium urate crystals (MSU) in joints that triggers an inflammatory reaction. This condition is associated with higher levels of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia). However, people who experience it are not necessarily suffering from gout arthritis.
Elevated levels of uric acid in the blood of a person related to two factors:
1.excessive production;
2.excretion decreased uric acid through the kidneys or a combination of both.
Anyone can be affected by arthritis, gout?
Generally, gout arthritis is often found in men of all ages, most commonly in the fifth or sixth decade. However, the women are generally found in the elderly (seniors) or after menopause. Diseases of obesity, high blood pressure, high diet, and alcohol consumption are factors that can increase the risk of gout arthritis.If not treated the right way, arthritis, gout can cause recurrent attacks, be accompanied by the formation of chronic joint disease tofus (bulge containing crystals of uric acid) and can cause various complications in addition to damage to the joint itself. Possible complications are heart disease, kidney disease, decreased quality of life and work productivity due to pain, disability due to joint contractures and increased treatment costs.***

Sources: People's Daily Thoughts issue of December 22, 2011

Friday, 16 December 2011

Smiles for Health Benefits

smile is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress and add friends. But apparently there are 10 other benefits of a smile to one's health.

As we all know it takes less facial muscles to make someone smile than frown. Some experts claim it takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 muscles to smile. But some others say it takes 62 muscles to frown and only 26 muscles to smile.

Here are some benefits that can be obtained a person with a smile, as quoted from About, namely:
1. A smile makes a person more attractiveUnconsciously smile can make people more attractive because there is a certain attraction factor and make someone look better than a frown, scowl or grimace.
2. A smile can change the moodSmiling can trick the body so that helps a person to change for the better mood.Therefore if you feel sad, try to smile.
3. A smile can be contagiousSmiling not only change the mood of the person but also the people around him, and make things happier. This is because a smile can be contagious and bring happiness to others.
4. A smile can relieve stressPeople who are stressed can be seen from his face, but with a smile can prevent a person look tired and exhausted. If you're stressed, try to take the time to smile, because it can reduce the stress of making it more able to take action.
5. A smile increases your immune systemWhen someone smiled at the increased immune function that makes a person feel more relaxed and avoid diseases like flu and colds.
6. Smile lowers blood pressureWhen the smile is no impairment of the blood pressure measured. Try to measure blood pressure while sitting at home, reading, and then smiled for a minute and blood pressure measured again, it will show the difference.
7. A smile can release endorphins, painkillers and serotoninStudies have shown a smile can release endorphins, compounds that can reduce pain naturally and serotonin. All three can make people feel better and be a natural medicine.
8. Crease a smile on the face can make people look youngerThe muscles used to smile lift the face that can help make people look younger.Therefore try to smile more often made to feel younger and better.
9. Smiling can make people seem to be successfulPeople who smile will look more confident, so much promoted, but it put a smile on every meeting will have a different reaction.
10. A smile can help people stay positiveA smile will make people more positive and reduce negative thoughts. By reducing depression, stress and worry it will also increase a person's health and avoid the risk of various diseases.

Sources: detikhealth.com

Sunday, 4 December 2011

No Need to Avoid Sugar Diabetes Special

Consuming too much sugar can cause diabetes or are better known as diabetes.Diabetes is very risky, especially in the offspring of people with diabetes are six times more prone to develop diabetes.Today there are several products that provide solutions for people with diabetes and hereditary diabetes. There are some efforts to tackle the disease, for example by consuming specific sugars diabetics are low in calories.Indeed, these efforts can overcome the risk of diabetes and diabetic offspring. But from an economic point specific sugar of diabetics are not cheap. Perhaps the middle-up special sugars are not burdensome. What about those who are in a middle-class economy? 
No doubt they think they will use the money to buy the sugar is better used for other needs.

Actually the descendants of diabetes can prevent these risks early on. And do not need to spend money to buy a special sugar that should be consumed. And this effort is effective for offspring diabetes. In addition to heredity, diabetes is also caused by excess sugar intake. We can prevent the risk of diabetes by an antagonist.So, against the habit of eating too much sugar. Instead we must not consume food or beverages that contain sugar. Glucose or sugar is our bodies need for energy, but if the excess amount can also be toxic to our bodies.For the descendants of diabetes, you realize that six times more prone to develop diabetes. In prevention efforts early on, try not to consume too much sugar. food balanced with high fiber and exercise. Possibility is an effective way to minimize the risk of suffering from diabetes.And for those of the descendants of diabetes who are addicted to sweet foods or beverages, not to worry. There are still efforts to reduce consumption of sugar. These efforts can also call us with sugar therapy. Enough in the morning as the energy consumption of sweet drinks for our bodies.Indeed, if it becomes a habit to consume sugary foods or beverages can not be easily removed. Need process to be able to change those habits, so we have a routine and regular basis to run these prevention efforts.Proved in this way I did on my grandmother who has been in the doctor's verdict had diabetes, once can consume 6-7 cups of tea every day with a composition that is very sweet, and now only consume tea morning and evening with a composition not too sweet. In this process takes about three months.So, should not prevent diabetes with a special sugar. There is another very easy way.What's wrong with trying to prevent, reduce costs, and also maintain the health of our bodies. Health begins with ourselves, there will pastiak of ourselves.

Sources: firaelsa.smansara.com/2011/12/14/