Monday, 9 April 2012

Lowering Cholesterol, is not Enough to Supplement

In the modern era of the all this instant, the use of supplements is one practical way that has been chosen. Supplements are health supporting, could be a food or beverage.Supplements are available in the form of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids and so on. Could take the form of pills, tablets, capsules or liquids.Dietary supplements are widely available in most countries and can easily be found at drug stores, pharmacies, supermarkets, and even can be ordered via the internet.People usually use supplements to health reasons.

Some supplements are commonly encountered in the form of vitamins and minerals (usually vitamin C or multivitamin) supplements from plants (herbs) and substances derived from natural sources, such as glucosamine.Supplement makers should not be saying that the product can diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. They should only be declared beneficial to maintaining health products.Supplements have been used for thousands of years to help maintain health and cure disease. Sometimes these supplements are the basis of the present treatment. For example, dozens of people use tea from the bark of willow to reduce fever.Pharmaceutical companies then identifies chemical substances on the skin of willow which can reduce fever and this substance is ultimately a matter of aspirin production.FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as well as in Indonesia BPOM berrbeda regulate supplements with drugs. Supplements may be circulating in the community without having preceded the research or information about how well his usefulness. If no research, then what are the benefits of supplements and how do we know about security?

People use health supplements for various conditions. Vitamins and minerals for example, to help cure the disease. For example, Echinachea can maintain and heal the body faster than the flu, such as vitamin C. Herbs, more widely used to prevent illness, cure infection, reduce fever, and heal wounds. Herbal medicines can also prevent constipation, relieve pain, and works as a relaxant or a stimulant.But it must be remembered that not all herbs and supplements are safe to eat. If you are not sure of the security or herbal supplement, you should consult your doctor or dietitian.If you would combine supplements with conventional medicine, do not forget to consult with your doctor. Could be, taking supplements in conjunction with conventional medicine will affect the benefits or harm the body. Mothers who breastfeed also take supplements should not be arbitrary.

Various studies on Cholesterol Lowering Supplements
Supplements that include frequently used cholesterol-lowering supplement. So many diet supplements on the market that claim to lower cholesterol. Generally, these products claim to be able to burn and reduce excessive cholesterol.The high consumption of cholesterol-lowering supplements indicates that the level of awareness of the dangers of cholesterol as a risk factor for heart disease, it is good enough in the community.

Why cholesterol should look out for?
Cholesterol, which among other things regulates body fluid balance and maintain the metabolism of calcium, mostly synthesized by the liver. Fraction obtained from food derived from animals, meat, milk, and eggs. These foods contain saturated fats or "bad cholesterol" low density lipoprotein (LDL).Excessive cholesterol will lead to damage of blood vessel walls which is the beginning of atherosclerotic disease. If allowed to drag on, this condition inhibits blood circulation, inviting the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. For this reason the doctors set 100-120 mg / dl (milligrams per deciliter) as the safe limit of cholesterol. Moreover, cholesterol should be lowered with the help of medication, low-fat diet and exercise.Because of the influence of advertising, supplements many people with hyperlipidemia glance to lower their cholesterol. They are loyal to eat cholesterol-lowering supplements in a variety of products, ranging from herbal (medicinal), garlic extract, fish oil tablets, pills, omega 3 fatty acids, multivitamins, until a high-fiber supplement. Unfortunately, not all supplements are supported by scientific studies. Although not a perfect way, the current scientific studies are the best way to differentiate the effectiveness of a supplement.Food and drug regulatory agency in the United States (FDA) has released a range of studies on cholesterol-lowering supplements that do a variety of universities in the U.S..Apparently, most research shows that cholesterol supplementation does not significantly erode. In fact there is research that indicates that the supplements actually increase the fat content. Supplements, only able to scrape clumps of cholesterol circulating in the bloodstream. While cholesterol is already settled on the walls of blood vessels can only be driven by the consumption of drugs with a doctor's supervision.

1. Artichoke leaf extract
Artichoke leaf extract, also known as Cynara scolymus. Studies ever conducted in Germany by the method of randomized, double-blind and placebo controlled, involving 150 patients with cholesterol levels 280 mg / dL according to the AHA (American Heart Association), categorized as high risk of coronary heart disease. After taking artichoke leaf extract, for six weeks looks kadarLDL down to 23% compared to placebo only 6%.Penururnan is certainly very promising. But in other studies, these results do not recur.Research over the past three months with the same design found that total cholesterol is only down 4% in participants who were given artichoke leaf extract. In particular, there was no effect on LDL and HDL. Investigators later suspect that differences in participants' health conditions and supplemental doses affect the study results. In the second study, a dose lower supplement of 30%.From this it can be concluded that the quality of research on artichoke leaf extract is very low and the results are inconsistent. And so we need more convincing evidence to inform its effect on cholesterol. Therefore, jangn too hope your cholesterol will go down dramatically using this supplement.

2. Fenugreek
Fenugreek is a kind of grain that has been used since the days of ancient Egypt and are usually available in capsule form. Evidence that cholesterol-lowering benefits of fenugreek obtained from a study of the 90's. Reported that high doses of fenugreek can lower total and LDL cholesterol levels dramatically. One study even mentioned the number decreased to 38%. Again, these small studies with poor quality so dubious of the results and validity.Fenugreek contains high fiber (20-50%), and experts speculate that the cholesterol-lowering effect of the herb is likely to come from fiber content. What is clear, but research is still little evidence of the efficacy of fenugreek are also still not enough.

3. Fiber
In 1999, a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School conducted a meta-analysis of approximately 70 clinical trials to see the effect of fiber on cholesterol levels.High intake of fiber is found associated with a reduction in LDL and total cholesterol by 60-70%. For every gram of fiber is added to the diet, can lower LDL levels much as 2 points, the average time of seven weeks.The amount of fiber that we need to be significantly lower LDL is very varied. Most people consume less than 25 grams of fiber which is the minimum recommendation.And, only 20% of the total fiber we eat can be dissolved. This means that if we eat three bowls of oatmeal a day then it is only about 3 grams of soluble fiber which is, according to Harvard researchers.Eating a fiber supplement every day can help, but there are side effects such as gastrointestinal problems if used in large quantities. Fiber can also affect the efficacy of the drugs we take. In conclusion, dietary fiber may reduce LDL, but most difficult to make adequate amounts of dietary fiber.

4. Fish oil
Fish oil (fish oil) are rich in two omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for heart health which is EPA and DPA. In solid form, the main content of fatty acids is fish oil supplements and usually sold in the form of soft capsules.In clinical trials, high doses of fish oil can lower triglyceride levels, which is a component of fat, about 10-30%. The higher levels of triglycerides, fish oil more effective. However, fish oil did not lower LDL. Fish oil supplements are less likely to raise LDL, although no significant impact in damaging the artery.It is clear from fish oil for triglycerides only be good. American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that people who want to lower triglycerides and want to eat fish oil for consultation with a doctor and only eat 2-4 grams of fish oil / day. For those who already suffer from heart disease, the recommended dose is only 1 gram per day of EPA and DPA, and better eating salmon that is rich in fish oil.

5. Garlic
One member of the onion family is available in the form of oils, extracts or pills. In 2000 diaporkan if garlic impact on cardiovascular risk factors, which according to the report the Agency for Healtcare Research and Quality in the United States, garlic can reduce LDL and total cholesterol, but only for a while and the decline was small.Further research is conducted. One was conducted by researchers at Stanford University deng good quality and were published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. In the present study found that garlic and garlic supplements in tablet form are correct there is no lipid levels when compared with placebo.At the end of the study for six months, of 192 men and women with cholesterol levels between 130-190 mg / dL, and triglycerides showed no decrease in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol significantly. Even increase levels of protective HDL was not.Although garlic supplement products are relatively safe, there are 75% of study participants who use garlic experienced breath and body odor. So instead of cholesterol down, it gained body odor.

6. Ginseng
Ginseng is a plant of Asian origin have been used as traditional medicine for hundreds of years in a modern and sold in capsule form. Research on ginseng and cholesterol showed mixed results, but less convincing. In a comprehensive review conducted by a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School in 2005, found that there are some studies that show the benefits of ginseng on cholesterol. But most are just small-scale studies and only a small double-blind method or use a placebo control. So in conclusion there is no sufficient evidence to support ginseng can lower cholesterol.

7. Guggul
One more research to prove that herbal supplements are not beneficial to lower cholesterol, the plant extract called guggul. Guggul also known as Ayurvedic medicine.Dr. Philippe O. Szapary, professor of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, conducted a study on guggulsterone, which is a bioactive material from the guggul plant.Apparently the product of this guggulipid not lower LDL, raise LDL even though not much.In a study by Dr. Philippe, with the design of randomized and double-blind, for 8 weeks, 103 adult participants with cholesterol peningkayan divided into three groups. One group was given a standard dose of extra guggul (1000 mg) three times a day. The second group was given a higher dose that is 2000 mg, and the third group was given placebo. "We found LDL levels increased 4% with an extra high dose of guggul. In the placebo group, also found an increase of 5% ". That means extra guggul efficacy did not differ with placebo. Another study even found that 20% of Ayurvedic treatment likely contaminated with certain toxins.

8. Niacin
Niacin is a B vitamin known as nicotinic acid. Found naturally in meat, fish, and milk.Experts have said for decades that niacin helps lower cholesterol. Large research-lasted almost 7 years involving more than 1100 people in the year 1970 found that niacin can significantly reduce total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides. However, most highlighted the effect is its effect on HDL.Studies have shown niacin can increase HDL by 35%. Thus, niacin is often given together with a statin, which is an LDL-lowering drugs.Effect of niacin can only be obtained with high doses of 2-3 grams / day and should be given in a slow-release form. Diapotek, slow-release niacin is available in doses up to 500 mg or more. Be careful taking high doses of niacin because it can produce side effects such as redness of the skin (skin flushing) to liver damage.

9. Red Yeast Rice (red yeast rice)
Red yeast rice (red yeast rice) is a fungus that grows on rice and natural ingredients contain less than lovastatin, one type of statin. Compared to most supplements, including the most powerful efficacy of red yeast rice. This is surprising because it has the effect of red yeast rice as a low-dose statin. In studies over the years, a variety of red yeast rice preparation was found to lower LDL about 20-30% and can be compared with the statin. Recent research in 2009, showed patients who are intolerant to the adverse effects of statins and red yeast rice capsules switched to decrease total and LDL cholesterol by 15-21% compared to 5% and 9% with placebo.But its potential effect in lowering cholesterol makes experts fear and suspicion. In an investigation found a number of lovastatin in red yeast rice pill different brands.

10. Soy Protein
Soy protein is found in soy foods like tofu and soy milk. There are also soy powder. 10 years ago, the FDA began to allow the labeling of some soy products. The label contains the message that soy protein and low in cholesterol and saturated fat can help lower the risk of heart disease and lowering LDL. Since then the consumption of soy products in the United States increased sharply, especially after research found the effects of soy protein on LDL reduction.A review of the AHA nutrition committee found that the average consumption of 50 grams of soy protein a day may lower LDL, although only 3%.

Take Home Message
Only as a health supplement and support not replace the role of cholesterol-lowering drugs. Diet, exercise and use of statins obatseperti still the main option in lowering cholesterol levels. Unlike supplements that research design is inadequate and usually small-scale statin studies using true scientific methods, involving hundreds of thousands of patients, as well as follow-up in a long time.All marketed statins are safe to use. Atorvastatin is a statin which has the largest and most comprehensive research evidence. From the various large-scale studies, atorvastatin proved not only able to significantly reduce levels of LDL, but also lowers the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease.So lowering cholesterol, is not enough just to supplement! The best step is to immediately consult a doctor if you are a high LDL levels.

Reference:,, / food_supplement

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